ChicagoRuby is a group of developers & designers who use Ruby, Rails, and related tech.

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Ruby on Rails Resources

The following list of Ruby on Rails resources was curated by a ChicagoRuby member, Doug Harman, in August 2014.



Books - online / FREE

Books – hardcopy.

These are books I use as references. Do NOT buy Kindle editions. When you copy / paste code, Kindle’s copyright notice is included.

  • Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby, Ophir Frieder – I checked this out of our library. Basics, loops, arrays, etc., taught using Ruby.
  • CSS, The Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland
  • Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer, Sandi Metz
  • Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 [aka the Pickax], Dave Thomas
  • Ruby on Rails 4.0 Guide, Stefan Wintermeyer
  • Ruby on Rails Tutorial, Michael Hartl (Do NOT buy!, 4.0 version is FREE ONLINE)
  • Ruby Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. – A book I found at our library. Each chapter is a project / game that incrementally teach the basics.
  • The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model, Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
  • The RSpec Book, David Chelimsky
  • The Ruby Programming Language, David Flanagan



Tutorials - online / FREE

Video / FREE

  • By far, the best resource / place to start learning ROR is with Dave Jones, YouTube Channel - Ruby on Rails 4.0 Lectures (29), Ruby Programming Lectures, Introduction to Ruby Programming (21), Ruby Programming - II (21)
  • Railscasts, Ruby on Rails Screencasts
  • Conference: Ancient City Ruby
  • Conference: WindyCityRails
  • Conference: RailsConf, YouTube, search for “RailsConf XXXX”, also search Confreaks

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